Thursday, March 15, 2007

#8 Evaluation Guide for Get Comfortable with Visual Aids


Evaluator Date

NOTE TO THE EVALUATOR: The speaker is to present a speech that uses two or more visual aids. The visual aids selected must be appropriate for the message and audience, and be displayed correctly with ease and confidence. The speaker is to incorporate what he or she has learned in previous projects about purpose, organization, word usage, body language and vocal variety. The speaker also is to use appropriate suggestions from the evaluations received and thoroughly research the subject. Please complete this evaluation form by checking the appropriate column for each item. Add comments for items where special praise is warranted or where you can offer specific suggestions for improvement.


· Were the visual aids appropriate for
the speech and message? ___________ ___________ ___________

· Did each visual aid help you to understand
and remember the speaker’s point? ___________ ___________ ___________

· Was each visual aid clearly visible? ___________ ___________ ___________

· If the speaker used computer-based visuals
or overhead transparencies, was each visual
easy to read and well-designed? ___________ ___________ ___________

· Did the speaker use the visual aids smoothly
and with confidence? ___________ ___________ ___________

· How clear was the speaker’s purpose? ___________ ___________ ___________

· Did the speaker use body language to
reinforce the message? ___________ ___________ ___________

· Was the speaker’s word choice effective
and appropriate? ___________ ___________ ___________

· Was the speech well-researched? ___________ ___________ ___________

· What could the speaker have done differently to make the speech more effective?

· What did you like about the speech?

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