Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Meeting #01/2007 - January 9, 2007

I have been given the task of being the Toastmaster for the Evening for our meeting on 9 Jan 2007 and before I realised the speaking roles have all been blocked. Good to know that there are so many members willing and wishing to do their speeches and the enthusiasm is really catching. If you really wish to block your slot, for the next meeting which will only be in February you have to do the booking quick.

Kish, Rajah, Mike and Leong have the limited 4 speaking slots and we have to turn down others. What the TME wishes is more members will come forward wishing to take up roles. And for this the Exco has agreed to give an Award for the best Role Player for each meeting. Even if you are a Aah Counter, you can still be voted as the Best Role Player for the evening if you do your job well.

Our Club wants to project an image as a Club 'for better fellowship'. The Exco wants everyone to know each other and build that friendship. Remember, "Friends helping friends succeed"?. Yes we want each member to bring in a friend to help them succeed too and Toastmasters International do award members who brings in 3 New Members each year. To make it better we have also another Award at each meeting and this will be for "Most Friendly Person". He or she can be a member or a guest where those present will vote and give him/her the honour. The more friends you bring in for the meeting the more votes you will get.

Meanwhile, enjoy the Christmas and New Year Holidays but remember, drink if you must, drive if you will but don't do both together.

MII Toastmasters 'for better fellowship' always.