Hi, on the first day of June 2008, 8 members and their family members plus friends from MII TMC wearing MII T-shirts were gathered at Forest Research Institute of Malaysia ( FRIM ) at 8am for an exciting outing - Picnic Breakfast + Jungle Walking + Canopy Walk !!!
See the pictures and you will know how enjoyable we were ................
These are our members and their family members + friends ............
See, what do we have ? Curry Chicken, Bubur Cha Cha, Fried Mee Hoon with hotdog, Fried Chicken, Sandwiches, Fruits and Drinks............ Yummy ! Yummy !
We are enjoying the food and fresh air !
After a delicious breakfast, we are heading to meet up with our Tour Guide
Half way of the trip, before reaching the Canopy Walkway ............. see what our VPPR doing ?
Group photo .............. at the ' Toilet Tree ' ............
Yes, we did it ! All of us managed to climb up to the Canopy Station ............. see Khung is still with full energy
With such a lovely wife taking care of him all the way up to the Canopy Walkway, how can Khung not enjoying the walk ???
See our VPPR - a man to get marry soon, so excited over the " Tongkat Ali " tree
Can you see the quality of our member - 71 years old Khung !
VPPR + Forever " Joker " of the Club = Ho !
Our Young and Energetic Past President - Larry
What are they looking at ?
Yes, we did it !!!
After this activity, the members became wiser and they know what kind of President to be elected in the coming term !
From : " Not The Usual Reporter "
Message from Incoming President Leong Kok Wah
Hi all,
Looks like we are all online discussing club matters.
First of all, I would like to thank Madam President for
taking the lead in organising this fun but taxing event.
I was surprised that i could finish the course without
much problem as I dont exercise.
My kids enjoyed the the whole event too as they dont
get to go out often. I am sure Mike and Yip Sau's
kids also had something great to remember this holiday.
Now that we have established the fact that although
we are above average speakers, we are below average
walkers/climbers. As the incoming President, I have
decided that there will be more outdoor events for the
benefit of members who do not exercise very often.
We have a need to be all rounded - speak well, play well.
As for you Mike, I will ask your kids for permission and
Daddy have to go along - no choice. I would also like to
thank Mrs.Teng, for the delicious curry chicken and the
bubur cha-cha which I had at least 5 bowls ( tambah
more coconut next time ). As for the nasi lemak, well I
believe Mrs.Ho will have to answer for it. (replaced with
karipap )
Our next school holiday will be from 16 - 24 Aug and I
am sure Madam President or rather Madam IPP by then,
will organise another fun event for all.
Before I say good night, cramps on my thighs are
beginning to set in. How are all of you doing ???
Good cramp night.
kok wah