Thursday, March 15, 2007

#6 Evaluation Guide for Vocal Variety


Evaluator Date

NOTE TO THE EVALUATOR: The speaker is to use a voice that is pleasing to listen to, with proper balance of volume, pitch and rate, and use pauses to enhance his or her message. The speaker’s voice should reflect and add meaning to the thoughts he or she is presenting. The speaker is to incorporate lessons learned in previous projects about purpose, organization, word usage and body language. In addition to your verbal evaluation, please complete this evaluation form by checking the appropriate space for each category. Add comments where praise is warranted or where you can offer specific suggestions for improvement.

· Topic selection: ___ Facilitated vocal variety ___ Satisfactory ___ Could improve

· Volume: ___ Excellent ___ Satisfactory ___ Too loud or soft

· Rate: ___ Excellent, varied ___ Satisfactory ___ Too fast or too slow

· Pitch: ___ Varied, conversational ___ Satisfactory ___ Monotonous, artificial

· Quality: ___ Pleasant, friendly ___ Satisfactory ___ Harsh, monotonous

· Pauses: ___ Appropriate, effective ___ Satisfactory ___ Could improve

· Expressiveness: ___ Conveyed emotion, meaning ___ Satisfactory ___ Could improve

· Vocal variety: ___ Enhanced speech ___ Satisfactory ___ Could improve

· Organization: ___ Logical flow of ideas ___ Satisfactory ___ Should improve

· Word usage: ___ Vivid, descriptive, accurate ___ Satisfactory ___ Could improve

· Body language: ___ Natural, expressive ___ Satisfactory ___ Unnatural, distracting

· What could the speaker have done differently to make the speech more effective?

· What did you like about the speech?

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