Thursday, March 15, 2007

#7 Evaluation Guide for Research Your Topic


Evaluator Date

NOTE TO THE EVALUATOR: The speaker is to select a subject of importance to the audience that requires a large amount of research. The speaker is to collect information from numerous sources and carefully support points with specific facts, examples, and illustrations, rather than with just the speaker’s own opinions. The speaker is to incorporate what he or she has learned in previous projects about purpose, organization, word usage, body language and vocal variety, as well as use appropriate suggestions from the evaluations received. In addition to your verbal evaluation, please write answers to the questions below.

· How well did the speaker’s topic apply to the audience?

· Was the topic well researched?

· How well did the speaker support his or her main points?

· Was the support material appropriate for the point made?

· Did the speaker vary the types of support material?

· How clear was the speaker’s purpose?

· Was the speech effectively organized?

· Did the speaker take advantage of body language and vocal variety?

· What could the speaker have done differently to improve the speech?

· What did you like about the speech?

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