Dear Members, with the response I have it looks like it is a waste of my time to write the report as no one sees it and no one responded to it except for the hardworking President.
I may have lost my steam but I have not lost my enthusiasm as a member of MII TMC. I believe there is another way of getting through to you guys.
Until I find that way, I shall close this site unless of course there are people who are interested.
If you read this just say, "I've read." would be enough to encourage me to proceed.
I wouldn't be so pessimistic as to close the site. I would rather say, we need a radical approach and modern technology certainly allows us to do so.
All of you may have noticed that i have also not been writing lately. The truth is , i have also been pummeled from all sides starting with business, club work and also family issues. Its like fighting fires 24/7. You put out a fire in the club, another one erupts in the office. Just when you think everything is back to normal, another fire flares up at home. I suppose i just have to let the fire burn its way out.
Dear members,
For those of you who are IT savvy or even if you are not but have a better idea as to how the clubs meetings and going-ons can be better communicated to all of us, please do write in.
Ask any Boxer and he will tell you that its better to go down fighting in a ring than to fight in an empty stadium. i.e
If this site will have to close down, its because the writer is indisposed , not because the readers have disposed off the writer.
I am not a member but I have read.
Now, please immediately read this too.
OK, I am trying to funny at trying times. SL
Dear Mohamad,
I have read it and keep checking the blog as long as I connected to internet. Don't give up, my friend ! There is always someone there keep an eye on the things that you are doing.
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